“A person is a person no matter how small” -Dr. Suess.

Let’s take a look at the development of an unborn child from conception to birth:
Day 1: fertilization: all human chromosomes are present, unique human life begins.
Day 6: embryo begins implantation in the uterus.
Day 22: heart begins to beat with the baby’s own blood, often a different type than the mothers’.
Week 3: By the end of the third week the child’s backbone spinal column and nervous system are forming. The liver, kidneys and intestines begin to take shape.
Week 4: By the end of week four the baby is ten thousand times larger than the fertilized egg.
Week 5: Eyes, legs, and hands begin to develop.
Week 6: Brain waves are detectable; mouth and lips are present; fingernails are forming.
Week 7: Eyelids and toes form, nose distinct. The baby is kicking and swimming.
Week 8: Every organ is in place, bones begin to replace cartilage, and fingerprints begin to form. By the 8th week the baby can begin to hear.
Weeks 10 and 11: The baby can “breathe” amniotic fluid and urinate. Week 11 the baby can grasp objects placed in its hand; all organ systems are functioning. The baby has a skeletal structure, nerves, and circulation.
Weeks 9-10: Teeth begin to form, fingernails develop. The baby can turn it’s head, and frown. The baby can hiccup.
Week 12: The baby has all the parts necessary to experience pain, including nerves, spinal cord, and thalamus (either of two masses of gray matter lying between the cerebral hemispheres on either side of the third ventricle, relaying sensory information and acting as a center for pain perception.) Vocal cords are complete. The baby can suck it’s thumb.
Week 14: At this age, the heart pumps several quarts of blood through the body every day.
Week 15: The baby has an adult’s taste buds.
Month 4: Bon marrow is now beginning to form. The heart is pumping 25 quarts of blood a day. By the end of month 4 the baby will be 8-10 inches in length and will weigh up to half a pound.
Week 17: The baby can have dream (REM) sleep.
Week 18: Babies can routinely be saved at 21-22 weeks after fertilization, and sometimes they can be saved even younger.
Week 20: At 20 weeks the baby recognizes its’ mothers voice. At 20 weeks the unborn child is capable of feeling pain. This is also the earliest at which partial -birth abortion is performed.
Months 5 and 6: The baby practices breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid into its developing lungs. The baby will grasp at the umbilical cord when it feels it. Most mothers feel an increase in movement, kicking and hiccups from the baby. Oil and sweat glands are now functioning. The baby is now twelve inches long or more, and weighs up to one and a half pounds.
Months 7-9: The baby opens and closes its eyes. The baby is using four of the five senses (vision, hearing, taste, and touch.) It knows the difference between waking and sleeping, and can relate to the moods of the mother. The baby’s skin begins to thicken, and a layer of fat is produced and stored beneath the skin. Antibodies are built up, and the baby’s heart begins to pump 300 gallons of blood per day. Approximately one week before birth the baby stops growing, and “drops” usually head down into the pelvic cavity.
From day 1 of fertilization all chromosomes (a threadlike structure of nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus of most living cells, carrying genetic information in the form of genes.) are present. This means that every part of the genetic DNA of an unborn child is already present in a fertilized egg; a unique human is created. Furthermore, by week four the baby is already 10,000 times larger than that fertilized egg, and this is still before many people even realize that they are pregnant.
I have heard so many arguments that an unborn child doesn’t have a right to life until they are born and breathe for the first time. And I have seen many times where non believers attempt to reference Genesis 2:7 (then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.) to support their argument to this claim.
First I would like to question why they are trying to use God’s words to support their argument when they have no belief in him. The truth of the matter is that all know the existence of God and it is their sin that blinds them to the truth; they desire to live in the flesh for their own pleasures and not the spirit; living for God and not self.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.
Romans 1: 18-25
Secondly, when using Genesis 2:7 trying to support the pro-choice argument, it is taken completely out of context. To truly understand the bible and yearn to grow closer to God to learn just who he and Jesus Christ truly are, you can’t just take one verse of the bible and grasp the meaning. There are so many other factors that you have to consider. In the case of Genesis 2:7, what does it really mean?
This is the moment when all human life begins. Genesis 1 describes the creation of the entire universe. As part of that story, men and women are also formed (Genesis 1:27). Genesis chapter 2 narrows focus on the creation of the first man, giving additional details, and helping us to see that humanity is special among all the rest of creation.
In Genesis 1:1, God’s creation is described using the term bā’rā, which implies “creation” in the sense of “coming into being,” or of “something from nothing.” But here, in Genesis 2:7, the creation of the first human being uses the Hebrew word for “formed:” yi’ser. This describes the actions of an artist, a sculptor, or a potter. This term is specific in that it always refers to work done on some existing substance. In this case, God is forming human life from the ground itself. That Hebrew word is ā’pār, which refers to dirt, powder, debris, or ash.
Following the story line of this verse, after being “formed,” man was merely a lump of well-formed dirt. It’s what God did next that made us alive: He breathed into the man’s nose the breath of life. Literally, God breathed life into the lump, transforming it into a living being, or “creature,” or “soul.”
All of life originated with God, but human life began with the personal breath of God. Without God, we simply would not live. The name Adam is directly from the Hebrew ā’dām, which literally means “man.” This name reflects the dust from which we were formed: the Hebrew word for ground is adamah.
All of this, as one can imagine, adds fuel to the debate over exactly how God went about bringing human life onto the earth. Regardless of the specific process involved, this verse clearly states that God Himself formed man out of the dust of the ground. God personally designed the size, shape, and detail of the first man. God was intentional, fashioning exactly what He set out to make. According to the book of Genesis, the form of that first man was “very good” (Genesis 1:31).
commentary source: www.Bibleref.com
What non believers do not realize is that by using Genesis 2:7 to support their agenda to murder the most innocent of life, they are actually supporting the choice to life due to their lack of understanding. How valuable we must be to God that he intentionally and personally created us, fashioning exactly what he set out to make as an artist, and then gave us His breath of life; transforming us into living beings with a soul.
God’s creation of human beings continues everyday in the form of reproduction. We are all formed in his image and from the moment that an egg becomes fertilized, the image of that unborn child is already decided. The DNA that is to make up who they are going to be is present from conception all the way until the grave. The work of the artist is already complete and should not be destroyed!
“How terrible it will be for anyone who argues with his Maker! He is like a broken piece of pottery lying on the ground. Does clay say to a potter, ‘What are you making?’ Does a pot say, ‘You don’t have any skill’? How terrible it will be for anyone who says to his father, ‘Why did you give me life?’ How terrible for anyone who says to his mother, ‘Why have you brought me into the world?’ The Lord is the Holy One of Israel. He made them. He says to them, ‘Are you asking me about what will happen to my children? Are you telling me what I should do with what my hands have made?”
Isaiah: 45 :9-11
- Imago Dei - June 7, 2020
- The Suppression of Truth - May 3, 2020
- “A person is a person no matter how small” -Dr. Suess. - April 26, 2020